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Houston Cranio Facial

Do I Need Revision Rhinoplasty?

Woman_Nose_RhinoplastyRevision rhinoplasty, or nasal reconstruction, is sometimes performed for patients who may not have achieved the enhancement they originally sought in their first rhinoplasty. This may occur due to a miscommunication between you and your previous plastic surgeon, or simply because your surgeon wasn’t well-qualified to achieve your desired improvements. In any case, the decision to pursue revision rhinoplasty is entirely your own to make. This reconstructive surgery can be performed for a myriad of reasons, such as:

  • Your first plastic surgeon did not achieve the results you desired in your initial surgery
  • You want to further improve cosmetic and/or functional issues in the nasal structure
  • You’ve suffered an injury or facial trauma since your first rhinoplasty
  • You received Mohs surgery for the treatment of skin cancer

For good candidates of the procedure, a secondary nasal reconstruction can successfully correct asymmetry or imperfections in the nasal bridge, nasal tip, nostrils, or septum. That said, revision rhinoplasty can be significantly more complex than original rhinoplasty—which is already considered among the most difficult cosmetic surgeries—because the nasal tissues have already been operated on, and scar tissue has likely developed since your initial procedure. Therefore, selecting the care and expertise of a board-certified craniofacial plastic surgeon is the best way to maximize the outcome of your revision rhinoplasty. Craniofacial surgeons not only specialize in reconstructing structures of the skull and face, but board certification also indicates a greater breadth of training and experience in plastic surgery when compared to non-accredited surgical providers.

Dr. Eric Payne has unmatched experience performing reconstructive surgery for aesthetic patients, individuals with birth defects, and those who are simply seeking to improve their quality of life. He can help you determine whether revision rhinoplasty is an ideal solution to your concerns, and then discuss the best approach to achieve your goals in a consultation. Please contact the Craniofacial and Plastic Surgery Center of Houston to learn more or to schedule an appointment.