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Houston Cranio Facial



Do I Need Revision Rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty, or nasal reconstruction, is sometimes performed for patients who may not have achieved the enhancement they originally sought in their first rhinoplasty. This may occur due to a miscommunication between you and your previous plastic surgeon, or simply because your surgeon wasn’t well-qualified to achieve your desired improvements. In any case, the decision to pursue revision rhinoplasty is entirely your own to make. This reconstructive surgery can be performed for a myriad of... Continue Reading


Can I Treat an Infant Ear Deformity Without Surgery?

Roughly one-third of infants are born with some type of ear deformity, which is a term that encompasses many different conditions defined by irregular ear development. Infant ear deformities are relatively common and approximately one-third to one-half of cases even self-correct within the first few weeks of birth. While incorrect ear development does not naturally resolve for all children, craniofacial plastic surgeon Eric Payne, MD can treat an array of ear deformities without surgery using... Continue Reading


How Can I Improve a Speech Impediment Caused By a Cleft?

Speech problems caused by a cleft can be successfully treated with both surgical intervention and non-surgical therapies. A cleft lip and/or palate are among the most common congenital defects in the world, with as many as 1 in 1,600 babies in the U.S. born with a cleft. While this condition is often corrected as a child with cleft lip and palate repair, adults who previously had a facial cleft can face a number of difficulties... Continue Reading