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Houston Cranio Facial

What is Craniofacial Plastic Surgery?

Craniofacial plastic surgery and maxillofacial reconstructive procedures address acquired and congenital deformities of the head, skull, face, jaws, oral structures, and neck. Craniofacial specifically refers to the skull (cranio) and the face (facial), and maxillofacial refers to the upper jaw and the face. Dr. Eric Payne is an extensively trained maxillofacial and craniofacial plastic surgeon, and he treats a comprehensive range of conditions affecting these areas and their associated tissues, including bone, muscle, skin, and nerves. Some of the more common defects include infirmities resulting from irregular skull growth (craniosynostosis), malformation of nasal and facial bones, facial fractures, and cleft lip and palate. There is a broad array of concerns that can occur during fetal development, as a result of genetic disorder, or due to an injury or disease. Additionally, Dr. Payne treats both adults and children for issues related to trauma, cancer, and congenital defects. Furthermore, he can reshape the face for improved skull and facial cosmetic appearance. When these unfortunate events arise, we can help you to better understand the problem and to provide some of the most advanced cranial, nasal, and facial reconstructive care available.

Our experienced multispeciality medical team emphasizes compassion, excellence, and results. We understand that these conditions are sensitive and treatment can be highly emotional. We strive to help you through each step of the process, from start to finish.

What is the difference between “sign” and “symptom”?

Many people use the terms “symptom” and “sign” interchangeably to refer to the characteristics and effects associated with a condition or syndrome. In medical parlance, these words have very different meanings. A symptom is a subjective effect that a patient can feel, such as heat or cold, numbness, and pain. On the other hand, a sign is a physical feature that can be measured. For instance, hypertelorism (wide-set eyes) is a physical sign of a widened eye position. Throughout this site, we have utilized these terms as accurately as possible to help you better understand the various ways craniofacial conditions and other deformities can be expressed.

If you have additional questions about craniofacial plastic surgery, please contact our office today. Our friendly and knowledgeable medical team will provide additional information or help you schedule a consultation.